How Mobile Apps Usage Leads Your Business to Digital Transformation

How Mobile Apps Usage Leads Your Business to Digital Transformation

The World is overflowing with breakthrough technologies and not following with trends can produce difficulties for your business. 
Following the trends can open new growth opportunities for your company and be successful without being failed.
In this digital era where technology is a crucial factor for success, it will be a welcome step for you and your business to use technology benefits and get most out of it. 
One of these steps is mobile app development to improve your business and use it as a fuel for catalysis required to jump to next phase of your business. 
You may have the breakthrough quality product at the most reasonable price but it is worthless if it will not be able to get to customers.
Here in this article, we will discuss the proponents and detractors of having the mobile app for your business by using statistics and experience of the various business organizations.

Why you need the mobile app for your business?

Regardless of your business size, it appears that only the web presence of your business isn't enough for its expansion and according to latest trends the most of the customers prefer to shift their online activities to mobile apps.
Frankly speaking, mobile apps have turned out to be extremely important as a marketing tool for business owners which opens new unseen before opportunities of business expansion.
According to surveys, nearly 75% of Americans check their mobile smartphones every hour, and according to global changes in behavior frequency of phone's checkups increases, that is caused by market development and utterly different usage concepts for making life easy. 
Consequently, the correctly designed mobile app becomes the key to marketing to your business and can become the most powerful tool your business can ever have for its expansion.
Here are few reasons to have a mobile app for your business.
I. Be noticeable by customers at all times
Latest research results show that an average mobile phone consumer spends approximately two hours or more daily, using only specific apps.  
Every user to get into the app has to pass through a specific process of unlocking, scroll, and scan; so there is a chance of being visible and identified to a wide audience around the globe. 
In addition to above said, Play Store and App Store allow to optimize your app in the store, so clients may find your app during searching using optimized specific keywords of your business app.
II. Build a brand and recognition
You have to keep in mind that your mobile app also should represent you as a brand, and act as an instrument for building the reputation in the business world. 
So the more frequently you can make customers engaged with your mobile app, the quicker they will be preferred to buy your product/service. In the advertising industry, this is known as the effective frequency as a rule of thumb, so to get you truly noticed clients should hear and/or see your brand approximately twenty times. 
The task of building brands is a herculean task for most business people, some of them succeed and some of them not. The level of success depends on ability not to miss some essential parameters during expansion of their business.
You can dream your mobile app as a blank billboard sign, where you can do whenever you want with it; you can make it fresh, stylish, functional, or informative. 
But what you have to do is to build an app that has features your customers will love, while at the same time is accurately branded and has fabulous and up to time interactive design and excellent user experience.
III. Stand out of the crowd
Your mobile app creates your impression, so we recommend to make it bright, highly interactive and corresponding to latest design trends.  Mobile app with an excellent user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) can help your business to be even more successful by acquiring the more customers for your service or product.  You need to keep in mind that ability to your current or prospective clients to avoid opening their computers to check your product creates extra space for additional sales, simplicity and agility becomes a key to decision making.
IV. Increase the number of customers
Flurry's report identifies very interresting phenomenon, for the first time, an average American consumer is spending more time inside mobile applications than watching TV. 
As you can see from the report,  the fact of existing of your mobile business app will grow your business with  minimized risk of a fiasco.
According to data provided in the report,  an average American customer spends 198 minutes (if mobile app of internet browser counted it will be 220 minutes or 3hours and 40 minutes per day) inside the mobile app and 168 minutes on the TV. 
The main thing to become successful with the mobile app is making it tangible and highly interactive and at the same time needs of your clients should be properly addressed in it. 
V. Revolutionary kick off to your business
Nowadays,  almost every company tries (or already launched) to launch their mobile app.
For instance, such giants as Google and Facebook started from web apps but later following the trend they made mobile apps specially tailored for every their service ( e.g., Facebook messenger,  Google translate, etc.). These apps are available for every modern mobile platform, such strategy helped them to acquire and engage more customer comparing to other social media giants.
Latest data research data shows that  70% of companies are using their mobile apps to grow their business and improve the communication between them and their clients.
Moreover, business gets valuable feedback from clients associated with its products or services and as a result, companies can make their clients more loyal, proposals better and more targeted. 
Of course, a web presence can help to achieve similar results, but the usage of mobile apps is more interactive and is even more manageable and visible comparing to complex web apps.
Also, we have to admit that there are some companies started a business from the mobile app and created the web version of the service later.
Not only giants like Google, need mobile apps but this can be desired by every small business and startup. Let me tell you why?
Mobile app to fuel the next phase of your business
Latest reports and surveys as shown in below figure show that amount of smartphone users is rapidly increasing.   
More than 62% of businesses from different industries (restaurants, gym, taxi, banks, politicians, etc.) are in process of developing of mobile apps to get in touch with their clients now.
Small businesses also see the opportunities in mobile apps.  The current distribution of apps business is using have the following view:
 - 30% revenue generating apps
 - 20% apps for branding purpose
 - 50% apps for customer support and engagement.


How much time do consumers spend using mobile media? 
The figure below shows that usage of mobile phones is increasing speedily leaving all other sources of media behind. 
The best strategy is to follow the trends and develop a mobile app integrated with your business. 
Mobile digital media time in the US is now significantly raised at 51% compared to a desktop (42%).
The below-listed figure gives you ideas about the usage of the mobile app as per screen orientation. The trend of vertical screen usage of mobile devices compared to all other screen layouts shows that we're well past the tipping point.


Mobile media time - app vs. mobile site usage? 
According to the report of ComScore (2012), 82% of mobile media time spend on a smartphone was occupied by mobile apps.  Yahoo's flurry analytic report (2015) outlines postive trend in growth of time spent in mobile apps that has increased by 8%, means 90% of mobile media time spent on the smartphone shifted to mobile apps usage. 
Of course, you have to understand that figure of 90%  includes the time that most people spend visiting social media resources like Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, etc.  But also it shows up the chance for your accurately designed mobile app to get access to your desired customer.  
What does the future hold? 
Building a mobile app for every business is now not only a trend, but a necessity since usage of mobile app becomes an important tool for business success.
The future trend shows the shift from web apps usage to mobile apps especially tailored to customer needs (Facebooks had to separate messaging platform into the separate app for the convenience of its users).
Majority of the e-commerce sites are also moving toward mobile apps as their online stores.  
The mobile app will be a solution of most difficulties and advance the next phase of your business and the important here to get in touch with experienced developers who can help you to stick into the train of digital (mobility part of the strategy) transformation of your business. So if you have any questions ping us and we can bring your idea alive. During last 8 years we created more than 700 times, so we can help you a little bit.
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